Ron Cowie Photography

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32 after 32

Today marks 32 years of sober living. I am grateful. If you think not drinking has stopped me from being a jerk now and then, think again. However, as time has passed, I’m less of one and for shorter periods of time. That counts for something. Here are 32 things I have learned in my 32 years of sobriety. None of this is original.

  1. Three Magic Words: "Yeah, me too."

  2. 24 hours of physical sobriety at a time.

  3. Thinking about drinking is a normal part of the recovery process.

  4. Picking up the phone and telling on yourself helps two people.

  5. Be kind to yourself, but get to work on the things that are troubling you.

  6. Practice telling the truth with someone.

  7. It doesn't matter who is wrong or right, what matters is who's left.

  8. Everyone needs a place where they feel safe.

  9. Try to contribute without having to win.

  10. "We resigned from the debating society."

  11. Lack of enthusiasm for recovery from the disease of alcoholism/addiction is a primary symptom of the disease of alcoholism/addiction.

  12. Three other magic words: “I was wrong.”

  13. “When all else fails, lower your expectations.”

  14. Three other magic words : “I need help.”

  15. Praying for acceptance of outcomes works better than praying for outcomes.

  16. (Insert Your Name Here), the rules apply to you too.”

  17. Ask yourself “What are my motives?”

  18. "Hi, I'm _____ I'm an alcoholic. I'm also addicted to chaos, drama, and intrigue."

  19. "God blesses effort."

  20. Physical and mental health are your first million.

  21. There is a difference between being "friends" and being "friendly". Having safe and healthy boundaries is a gift of sobriety.

  22. Develop a sense of humor about yourself.

  23. Treat gratitude like a verb.

  24. "Absence of problems" is not a promise of sobriety.

  25. You never know who might be saving your life on any given day, so be mindful.

  26. Three other magic words: “Please forgive me.”

  27. You waste more time not taking a nap when you need a nap.

  28. Try to be present for small miracles.

  29. Put a sign on your bathroom mirror that reads “You’re looking at the problem.”

  30. Most people know what their problems are, the frustration is believing nothing can be done about them.

  31. Change occurs when we stop fighting change.

  32. Have a great day, unless you have other plans.